
My Artist’s Way Adventure: Week 5 - Recovering a Sense of Possibility

Week 5 of The Artist's Way Adventure is about recovering a sense of possibility. It's less about figuring out who you are as opposed to who you want to be.

My Artist's Way Adventure: Week 4 - Recovering a Sense of Integrity

Week 4 of The Artist's Way Adventure was about recovering a sense of integrity. However this lesson is overshadowed by the reading detox challenge.

My Artist’s Way Adventure: Week 2 - Recovering a Sense of Identity

Week 2 of The Artist's Way Adventure is about recovering a sense of identity. Everyone has multiple aspect of themselves they need to juggle.

My Artist's Way Adventure: Week 1 - The Shadow Artist

Week 1 of The Artist's Way Adventure covers the topic of "The Shadow Artist". In order to let your inner artist shine, we need to get rid of the shadows.

My Artist's Way Adventure: Prologue

The prologue of Carprincess’s Artist Way Adventure. We will summarize what is "The Artist Way" and how one begins their creative journey.